Macular Hole

What is a Macular Hole?

A macular hole is a small break or defect in the macula, which is the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision. Macular holes typically develop in the center of the macula and can cause blurred or distorted vision, as well as a blind spot in the central visual field.

Macular holes are often associated with age-related changes in the vitreous gel that fills the inside of the eye. As we age, the vitreous gel can shrink and pull away from the surface of the retina. In some cases, this traction on the retina can lead to the formation of a macular hole.

Symptoms of a macular hole may include:

  • Blurred or distorted central vision
  • Difficulty reading or performing tasks that require detailed vision
  • A blind spot or dark area in the center of the visual field

Treatments for a Macular Hole

Treatment for a macular hole typically involves surgical intervention to close the hole and improve vision. The most common surgical procedure for macular holes is called vitrectomy with membrane peeling. This procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Vitrectomy: During vitrectomy surgery, the vitreous gel inside the eye is removed and replaced with a clear solution. This allows the surgeon to access the macular hole and the surrounding area.
  2. Membrane peeling: After removing the vitreous gel, the surgeon carefully peels away the thin layer of scar tissue (epiretinal membrane) that may be covering the macular hole. Removing this scar tissue helps to release traction on the retina and allows the edges of the hole to come back together.
  3. Gas or air bubble injection: After peeling the epiretinal membrane, the surgeon will inject a gas bubble or an air bubble into the vitreous cavity to help close the macular hole. The gas bubble acts as a temporary tamponade, holding the edges of the hole together while it heals.
  4. Face-down positioning: After surgery, the patient will be instructed to maintain a face-down position for a certain period of time, typically several days to a week. This positioning helps to keep the gas bubble in contact with the macular hole and promotes healing.

In some cases, a combination of surgical techniques may be used to achieve the best outcome. It’s important to note that successful closure of a macular hole does not always result in a complete restoration of vision, especially if the macular hole has been present for a long time or if there is significant damage to the surrounding retina. However, surgical treatment can often improve vision and reduce symptoms associated with the macular hole.

Macular Hole
Macular Hole
Macular Hole
Macular Hole
Macular Hole
Macular hole Before (above) and After (below) surgery

Videos on a Macular Hole



Visit Retina Center of San Diego
for evaluation and treatment of Macular Hole